Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fresh Starts

So, I am attempting a fresh start in terms of my health and well-being. I have always tried to be fairly concious of what I eat, and that will definitely continue. That's not to say that I don't indulge in junk food... I most certainly do and enjoy every second of it. But I also make it a point to watch my family's sodium, fat, and cholesterol intake. I also am a firm believer in whole grains and fiber. I am trying to get back in shape at this point. Just as a side note- I find it irritating when this comes up in conversation and people's response is, "Please, you're so skinny". As I work in a field that revolves around health, this is even more annoying because people I work with are educated enough to know that fitness does not equal skinny. They don't get that I'd like to be able to play with my dog for a full minute without feeling like a fat kid in a game of dodgeball. Thus comes the fresh start. My husband got a GREAT deal on a treadmill from a coworker who bought it from his wife but turns out she never used it because it scares her. Anyway, her loss our gain. My goal is to do 30 minutes three times a week as a way to get some cardio in and work my way up from there. I have also been making an effort to get out there and go for walks with my husband and pup on my mornings off. I figure that takes care of the exercise portion of things. I also bought some DVDs that have several little yoga sessions. The series is called "Praise Moves" if anyone wants to check it out. It's a Christian alternative to yoga. My doctor recommended I try to do some yoga because I carry a lot of tension and stress in my body. I happen to agree, so I am looking forward to getting out my pink yoga mat and hittin' the floor a few times a week. So, those are my goals. Hopefully I can be strong and get a good routine going. Physical fitness... here I come!

P.S. I posted this from my new PINK laptop. I don't know if I stressed this in the past but, I truly love pink. If something comes in pink you can bet I want it.

Friends quote of the day: Chandler: The meaning of the box is threefold. One, it gives me time to think about what I did. Two, it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. And three... It hurts!

You Be the Judge?

Today the hubby and I sat through another amazing sermon by our incredibly down-to-earth pastor. We are currently doing a series about misunderstanding certain verses in the bible and today the scripture was Matthew 7:1-5. At one point or another in life everyone has heard or used the phrase "Judge not lest ye be judged..." or some form of it. The question put forth today was has the body of Christ been using this verse as a way to excuse sin? Our wise pastor claims that if we are to take this in the way it is so commonly used we would be contradicting the entire idea of accountability, evangelism, and the whole New Testament. Our belief in the context is that Christ calls for an end to condemnation without self-reflection and judgement that is passed in a hypocritical manner. As the passage goes on to read, we are are to remove the plank from our own eye so that we may see clearly to remove the speck from someone else's. The application? If we were to completely resign from any judgement we would not be answering the call for accountability within the body of Christ. We should never turn our head and allow a brother or sister to sin and not try to bring them back to the right path. As Pastor says... if you saw a toddler wander out in the street you go and grab it and bring it back to the sidewalk right? That's something to think about. Additionally, we need to be sure that we are living our lives in a way that is above reproach and reflects Christ so that when we point out error in others we are holding ourselves to those very standards. The thought here is to be sure that you are not preaching hypocritically. Always avoid being a Pharisee.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


So as you know I am experiencing a lot of new things in life. Truly, this gives me a lot of anxiety, as I tend to fear the unknown. I'm working on that. So here's a little "getting to know me" post.

My name is Rach and by way of introductions let me give you the run down of who I am. I am a (new) wife of 7 months to an amazing man with whom I enjoy a life full of love and laughs. At the risk of sounding cliche he is most definitely my best friend. We spend most of our free time at our (new) home watching movies, reading, or playing with our puppy. We also spend a lot of time making fun of one another- it's really not mean I promise. My husband who for the sake of the blog we'll call K., is a student, full-time worker, and all around laid back sort of guy. He is the epitome of carefree which is the complete opposite of how I am and also the reason why I'm sure he'll outlive me in spite of his occasionally questionable ice cream consumption. I am also a (new) "Mommy" to a 5 month old Basset Hound mix puppy named Charlie that my husband and I adopted from a shelter in May. Charlie's hobbies include being cute, sleeping, crying, being cute, chewing his toys, chewing many things that are not his toys, being cute, and taking his parents on morning walks around the neighborhood. He also enjoys being cute.

Anyway, enough about that. In addition to being a wife and dog mom, I am a sister to a pretty cool guy who enjoys the outdoors, and a daughter to a lady who I happen to think is fairly fabulous. I would be remiss if I didn't expand on that a little bit. My mom is a tiny woman with enough personality for both She and I. She pretty much made the whole Supermom thing look like a breeze when my brother and I were growing up so I feel inclined to admire her. My mom is second runner up in the best friend category as I tend to hang out with her on a weekly basis and enjoy the after 9PM chat with her when the minutes are free. Our usual time together consists of chatting (both of us), cleaning (her), sitting around (me), and our monthly "boutiquing" at a local consignment shop we've been frequenting for the past few years.

Outside of my home and family life I do in fact have other things going on. For instance, I have a job. I work at a local hospital as a (new) nurse where I got hired right after graduating with my BSN in December. I won't go into too much detail about that right now as I'm sure it is bound to come up quite frequently in future postings. My husband and I are also members of a (fairly new) church where we have had the pleasure of meeting some really wonderful people and are blessed on a weekly basis by a pastor who tells the truth and nothing but. It's safe to say I leave there feeling convicted on a weekly basis. While that may not sound uplifting it is certainly beneficial. That conviction is what has caused me to thoroughly rethink my relationship with Jesus Christ. Being raised in church often provides opportunity for lax and legalistic Christian living. I am by no means in the spiritual place that I want and need to be in, but I am certainly viewing God in a (new) and deeper way. As a result of being a member of my church and also as a result of being friends with the middle school minister's wife, I have had the privilege of getting to know several wonderful young ladies. Over the course of the past school year I taught an Accountability class for 6th grade girls. Meeting with them each week has truly been a blessing. I have had the opportunity to spend some time with the girls not only teaching about what it means to be an accountable Christian woman, but also learning about Christ and having a really great time! Those girls have genuinely been bright spots when I look back over the past year.

In closing let me just give a little bit of information about things I like, dislike, etc. I am an avid reader. I LOVE to read. I always have at least 3 books checked out from the library (one of my favorite places), and I have probably read about 30 or so books in the past year. I don't really count. But I will say that in the past two weeks I have read 5 1/2. I also have an Amazon Kindle account so I can download books directly to my computer, and I am anxiously awaiting my (new) cell phone so I can download the Kindle App and being able to get books delivered in less than 60 seconds while I'm on the go! I also am an aspiring writer with 2 decent manuscripts in the works. One is contemporary fiction the other is a lighthearted mystery. I also love to eat and I'm sure that plenty of my posts will be evidence of that. I'm a sucker for some good food. With that in mind I am trying to be more conscious about my physical fitness so hopefully I'll make some good progress with that. I like pink, wintertime, shoes, purses, reusable shopping bags, shopping, cooking, Burt's Bees, napping, watching Friends on a constant loop, pedicures, music, singing, dancing, making sarcastic remarks in my head, photos, romcoms, and dresses... these are a few of my favorite things!

My Friends quote of the day is: "Ross: Oh no she's gone. Monica: We checked. A lot." -The One Where Nana Dies Twice

Well, that was me in an admittedly long winded nutshell. I hope you're still awake and have not yet thrown in the towel on accompanying me on my (new) adventures!

"See the former things have taken place and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you." Isaiah 42:9

Opening Lines

So, I've been thinking to myself "why not start a blog?" being that I love to write and I have an awful lot of thoughts. Some are meaningful, some aren't and it's the former that had me questioning this endeavor. I don't really want to waste time with meaningless musings. The more I thought about it though, (like I said, I do a lot of thinking) the more I figured that even if I'm the only person who reads this it will be a good outlet for all the marathons my mind runs on a daily basis. I will however, attempt to include at least one interesting, useful, or somewhat worthwhile tidbit in every post. The subject of this blog will be all about life-mine, other people's, or just in general. Practically everything in my current life is new which not only means I'm working on figuring things out, but it also means that I am blessed. Over the past year nearly everything has changed (even though I am certainly no fan of change in the broad sense). My hope is that this blog will testify to the growth and development of my new life and will be a commentary on my ability to sort through it as it comes my way.

God Bless!